Alexander Crompton

đź“š Book Blog Overview / Index đź“š

Partial Hiatus (Oct 2024)

Starting the October 2024 post I'm putting this blog on partial hiatus. I'm focusing on a time-consuming creative project of my own that will, when finished, hopefully contain whatever I would have put in the blog (and more)—look for my take on Buber's Ich und Du there. Furthermore, after a years-long break I'm finally back to reading contemporary fiction, and I'd rather not open myself up to the possibility of someone (or several someones) accosting me at a party saying "I was googling myself five years ago and saw you called my work kitsch!!"

I still have opinions and love talking about what I read—if you've enjoyed the blog, feel free to contact me personally and we can keep the conversation going! I'd like to continue blogging somehow, but I need to think through what that might look like. For now I'll keep at least posting the books that I read.


My original intention was a blog loosely structured around the books I finished reading in a calendar month.

Caveat: these are just my impressions; it's likely I misread the content of books and/or formed an opinion that's half-baked or concerns my own interiority more than anything in the actual text.

Books đź“š

&c. 🪅
