đź“š Book Blog Overview / Index đź“š
Partial Hiatus (Oct 2024)
Starting the October 2024 post I'm putting this blog on partial hiatus. I'm focusing on a time-consuming creative project of my own that will, when finished, hopefully contain whatever I would have put in the blog (and more)—look for my take on Buber's Ich und Du there. Furthermore, after a years-long break I'm finally back to reading contemporary fiction, and I'd rather not open myself up to the possibility of someone (or several someones) accosting me at a party saying "I was googling myself five years ago and saw you called my work kitsch!!"
I still have opinions and love talking about what I read—if you've enjoyed the blog, feel free to contact me personally and we can keep the conversation going! I'd like to continue blogging somehow, but I need to think through what that might look like. For now I'll keep at least posting the books that I read.
My original intention was a blog loosely structured around the books I finished reading in a calendar month.
Caveat: these are just my impressions; it's likely I misread the content of books and/or formed an opinion that's half-baked or concerns my own interiority more than anything in the actual text.
Books đź“š
- ~700 BCE Homer. The Odyssey.
- ~200 BCE ________. The Book of Enoch.
- 1688 Behn, Aphra. Oroonoko.
- 1689 Matsuo, BashĹŤ Backroads to Far Towns.
- 1710 Fénelon, François. The Royal Way of the Cross.
- 1844 Kinglake, Alexander. Eothen.
- 1853 Brontë, Charlotte. Villette.
- 1884 Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn.
- 1886 Stevenson, Robert Louis. Kidnapped.
- 1898 James, Henry. The Turn of the Screw and Other Ghost Stories.
- 1923 Toomer, Jean. Cane.
- 1925 Cullen, Countee. Color.
- 1923 Buber, Martin. I and Thou.
- 1927 Forster, E.M.. Aspects of the Novel.
- 1928 Radclyffe Hall. The Well of Loneliness.
- 1929 Larsen, Nella. Passing.
- 1938 du Maurier, Daphne. Rebecca.
- 1942 Weil, Simone. Pensées sans ordre concernant l'amour de Dieu et autres textes.
- 1945 Huxley, Aldous. The Perennial Philosophy.
- 1946 McCullers, Carson. The Member of the Wedding.
- 1948 Jansson, Tove. Finn Family Moomintroll.
- 1952 Huxley, Aldous. The Devils of Loudun.
- 1952 Jung, Carl. Synchronicity.
- 1953 Chandler, Raymond. The Long Goodbye.
- 1954 Walter, Eugene. The Untidy Pigrim.
- 1954 Huxley, Aldous. The Doors of Perception.
- 1956 Huxley, Aldous. Heaven and Hell.
- 1956 Baldwin, James. Giovanni's Room.
- 1961 Himes, Chester. A Rage in Harlem.
- 1958 Pearce, Philippa. Tom's Midnight Garden.
- 1961 Himes, Chester. The Heat's On.
- 1965 Carter, John Stewart. Full Fathom Five.
- 1967 ĹŚe, Kenzaburo. The Silent Cry.
- 1968 Hamilton, Virginia. The House of Dies Drear.
- 1968 Le Guin, Ursula K. The Wizard of Earthsea.
- 1972 Jansson, Tove. The Summer Book.
- 1973 Lacarrière, Jacques. The Gnostics.
- 1975 Jones, Gayl. Corregidora.
- 1977 Morrison, Toni. Song of Solomon.
- 1982 Lorde, Audre. Zami: A New Spelling of My Name.
- 1983 Highsmith, Patricia. Plotting and Writing Suspense Fiction.
- 1986 Kundera, Milan. L'Art du roman.
- 1990 Coetzee, J.M.. Age of Iron.
- 1994 NDiaye, Marie. Un temps de saison.
- 1997 Ernaux, Annie. La honte.
- 1999 ________. The Chung Pyung Providence and the Way of Blessed Families.
- 200X ________. Ancestor Liberation Booklet.
- 2003 Sontag, Susan. Regarding the Pain of Others.
- 2005 Mars-Jones, Adam. Box Hill.
- 2006 Kwak, Stadler, & Grabner (Eds.). Mission Butterfly.
- 2010 ________. 40 Jahre Vereinigungskirche Deutschland; Band 1: Pionierzeit, Vision und Auftrag.
- 2012 Peemoeller, Gerhard. Fishing with our Father.
- 2015 Jemisin, N. K.. The Fifth Season.
- 2016 Schulman, Sarah. Conflict Is Not Abuse.
- 2017 Rovelli, Carlo. The Order of Time.
- 2018 Schulman, Sarah. Maggie Terry.
- 2019 Ulitskaya, Lyudmila. The Body of the Soul.
- 2022 Bell, Matt. Refuse to Be Done.
- 2023 Reiche, Arianna. At the End of Every Day.
- 2023 Binyam, Maya. Hangman.
- 2024 Everett, Percival. James.
- 2024 Greenwell, Garth. Small Rain.
&c. 🪅
- 1795 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily.
- 1979 Roches, The. Hammond Song.
- 1989 ęą€ě™„ě„ . ěť´ě 잊기로 í•´ěš” [Let's Forget about it].